19 Jan Emotional Intelligence in Sales
Business Points of Performance [BizPoP #6]: Using Emotional Intelligence in Selling
Video Length – 10:13
For any business owner, understanding how to sell effectively is crucial to overall success. While there are several sales techniques that can be used, one of the approaches that people have researched and put into practice more frequently of late is Emotional Intelligence.
What is Emotional Intelligence vs. Cognitive Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is more about one’s ability to be aware of all aspects of the situation and people in the situation, e.g. both the buyer and seller. Emotional intelligence requires more immediate analysis and awareness of what is being said, how it is being said and how it is being received.
Cognitive Intelligence is more based on data, fact, planning. It relies more on a strategic approach that is planned prior to having a sales conversation.
Is it important to have sales approaches that are more based on emotional or cognitive intelligence? Or is there a balance to be had?
Here’s the thing then:
It seems that it’s worth the time to better understand what each of these terms means, regardless of whether you right now favor one over the other, i.e. emotion or cognition in your sales techniques. In understanding more about how and when to use EI or CI in your selling, you can objectively take stock of what you do as a sales professional, and if really is the best course to achieve the greatest success.
** If you are interested in better understanding Emotional Intelligence vs. Cognitive Intelligence, and also evaluating your own approach, download the EI Worksheet that I have developed.
DOWNLOAD the EI Worksheet.
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