21 May It’s a Balancing Act: 9 Tips for Stayin’ In the Game of Business
Summer fun and sun are right around the corner, and you know what that means. We’ll soon be tucking long vacations, short getaways, and abbreviated work days between the marketing activities, meetings, blog writing, social media posts, and client work that make up our business days.
What will the energy around your office look like on August 1?
There’s no doubt that some days are more productive than others, whether or not it’s summer. On those high-energy days, I wish I could bottle up my intentions, my conversations, my notes, my work product, etc. and save it all for a day when I’m feeling more tortoise than hare. Just uncap, breathe in the energy, and go – you know?
Yes, it would be nice if the “lulls” didn’t come but, as we all know, they do. So, instead, I look to balance the joy of a day well done with the stresses of a day with, shall we say, fewer results.
But how?
Get in the game. Totally. And get in every day.
Even if your long anticipated vacation begins tomorrow, you need to be thinking of your business every single day. When you are in the office and when you are not. When it’s an energy-filled day or one that just doesn’t have the to-do items checked off that you would like.
You gotta be willing – and committed – to get in the game and play! This is the most important factor in balancing the business euphoria of high outcome days with the sagging feeling of less productive or more stressful, overwhelming days. You get in the game and stay in the game!
What that means is that you have to put your belief system on the line and go forward with conviction that it is possible to meet opportunities, uplevel your business and increase your income. Step forward with confidence that you can plan and meet the challenges head on and make the tough decisions that will alter the trajectory of your business success. Believe in success and prepare for it no matter what the day brings.
Here are my 9 tips for stayin’ in the game of business:
- Get “In the Know”: Understand your purpose, intent, and goals
- Get A Voice: Find your unique message, and then brand it and show it off
- Get Strategic: Plan the who, what, when, and how
- Get Foundational: Set up the basics of running a business, they matter
- Get It Done: Know the value of your expertise, time and money – get help to free up your time for client work
- Get Tools: Find the technology that will make it easier than ever to create, engage, follow, and track results
- Get Creative: Step outside of your comfort zone – you’ll see the rewards
- Get to Rockin’ It Out: Be audicious about your business
- Get To Doin’ It Again: Don’t rest on your laurels – it’s about keepin’ that energy goin’
At first glance, it may not look like these steps will bring balance to your work and improve your business results, but, believe me, they do.
They create a clear pathway, allowing you to tackle everything you’ve heard or been told to do, attempted yourself, postponed to another day or month (year, maybe?), or did once only to have it turn out poor.
Additionally, these tips can help you see where you are stuck, uncover the reasons, find the answers, move around what’s holding you in place, and get on with the business of your business. You’ll be ready to rumble!
When I’m looking to keep my business on the go, outward and upward, I fall back on these steps and find out what it is that’s slowing me down and what I need to do next to get back on the move.
Try it. You may find that this is just what you can use to amp up your business and skyrocket it to the level of success and profit you’ve envisioned but haven’t yet managed to make a reality.
Need some further clarity around how to step into the game? Check out my Step Up to Profits Business Success Kit, which you can download right from my home page, to learn more about the steps to take for moving along a proven pathway to profit.
Posted at 15:19h, 25 MayGreat tips. I’ve run events in the summer for the past 5 years and we’ve historically had some of our best attendee numbers in July and August. I invite people to have the attitude to keep blasting it out through the summer and expect to continue seeing great results.