19 Jan Meeting Spaces
Business Points of Performance [BizPoP #3]: Meeting Spaces – Throw Convention Aside!
Video Length: 5:30
For so many years meeting spaces were almost always considered to be an office or conference room. The ‘best’ meeting spaces were those considered to have good seating, table space, phone connections, audio/visual aids, etc. Times have changed. Meeting spaces today have taken on a whole new ‘look’ since so many employees are telecommuting and work flexible hours. And many entrepreneurs have established businesses in their homes.
Pets, children, sofas or armchairs and some pretty interesting wall decorations are much more often a part of our meetings.
So, while we may be meeting just as much, we’e doing so in different ways. As business people we today are very comfortable with suggesting to our clients that we meet at a local coffeehouse, use a room in a collaborative work facility, or call into a video meeting.
What becomes more important is that the meeting space is convenient for all and is conducive to getting the work done. No fuss, no muss. Such meetings end up being more casual and, I believe, help to enhance a closer working relationship with your prospect or client.
Furthermore, seeking alternative meeting spaces may end up being more cost effective since rooms don’t have to be rented, and public spaces today usually allow us access to one of the most important technology needs for a meeting – WiFi. And, again, at no cost.
Here’s the thing then:
Think about throwing away convention and meeting with your clients in spaces or places that are more convenient and create a working environment in which the discussion and work at-hand gets done and in a productive, efficient way.
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